Sunday, May 06, 2007

39 days till Departure and over $15,000 raised

Do not forget to click on the Itinerary link to the left to look at my other website
This was a few days off with no riding. Bernice and I went to San Diego for and Ameriprise Circle of Success conference. We stayed down in the Marina area of the city.. the pic to the left is out of our room on the 22nd floor.

We met our friend Darrell and his fiancee Ronni. They took us to LaJolla for an evening of great food, views and excellent conversation. He gave us some good pointers on the upcoming trip as he rode cross country last summer.

This was our last few days off the bikes as we will now put the final push in our training. We have been asked will we be ready and the answer is training wise we could leave tomorrow. We have base mileage of 6,000 miles in the last year and some specialized riding (hills and intervals)as well.
For exercise in San Diego we kayaked in LaJolla on Thursday in some big surf in the Pacific (sorry no pics --- BIG WAVES and my camera do not mix) Then Friday we went to the SanDiego Zoo for a behind the scenes tour.
Friday night we had a party at the Miramar Air Station. This site was the Navy Top Gun school and is now an air station for the Marines. We got to see F18's, F16's, Hornets and several types of helicopters. The highlight though was talking to the pilots and being able to shake their hands and tell them we appreciate their service to our country. It was a very moving time with them.

We then had dinner and had a front row space to hear the band Smash Mouth. I was 2 feet from lead singer Steven Harwell as he sang Walking on the Sun , All Star and others. Very cool to have a concert in a small venue like that.

We crossed 2 milestones this week. We are under 40 days till we leave and over $15,000 raised. We had multiple people promise their donation would be on the way soon. Only $10,000 to go to hit our goal.

If you have not had a chance to donate yet -- Be sure to click the link on the top left -- "Help the Miller's Fight Cancer"Or you can send a check-made payable to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Be sure to put Participant ID: 150474715 in the memo so it will be counted towards our goal.Mail them to: Lance Armstrong Foundation PO Box 1150Austin, TX 78716-1150

Since you stopped by leave a comment and let us know. Feel free to ask questions if you have them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike, y'all have raised so much money...very,very cool! I'm getting excited for you now that it is only about a month away.Keep up the excellent work. BTW,that sounded like it was a great concert.

--Michelle (txs-4-kings)